Saturday, June 4, 2011

As The World Burns...

From this article the main idea I concluded too was that there was not enough involvement from the person who was promising all the change, President Obama.  I love when the article says “Obama had served the dessert before the children even promised to eat their spinach,” because that is exactly what had happened.  Obama pretty much gave away everything the “three amigos” were negotiating with.  If president Obama had been more involved in what was going on than the bill may have come together faster and with more support, but instead it seemed to be falling apart right in front of them.  I feel that if the issues of health- care reform and climate change were being dealt with at different times than this unfortunate circumstance would not have occurred.  Towards the end of the article I feel it best put as this “Obama grew timid and gave up, leaving the dysfunctional Senate to figure out the issue on its own. 
Being able to work together with people of opposite political views is hard and we saw the heat that all three participants took because of that, especially Graham.   It is a shame that with so much support by both green companies and those that were the biggest polluters, and democrats and republicans that the bill did not pass then.  This just goes to show how important communication and honesty really are.  If you want to get something accomplished you need to be open and honest about everything you are doing, something that did not happen in this article.  

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