Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Love it or Lose it

I really liked the point made in this excerpt about how we who live in today’s society do not or cannot integrate ourselves into nature as those that lived in centuries past.  I believe this to be very true.  With all the technology and different gadgets we have today it is almost impossible to get away from it all.  Even if we do manage to get away from it other people view us as weird, or we ourselves feel as if a part of us is missing.  I found it interesting to see that we as humans must choose between biophobia and biophilia.  I have never thought about it like that but because we are smart enough and capable of understanding the consequences of each it seems to fit well.  In today’s society we see all these types of shows about OCD’s and some of us see it on a regular basis or be consumed by one ourselves.  These types of compulsions can be serious and the people with them if taken to an extreme must seek professional help; we need to understand that these types of things are not okay or normal.  While I do not think I have seen anyone who has a severe biophobia, I do see people becoming less interested in nature and more interested in how to get rid of it; especially here in South West Florida.  I found it educational to be able to relate this excerpt to common and interesting things that are “popular” to say the least in today’s world. 


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