Saturday, July 2, 2011


I really liked that this excerpt dealt with our home environment.  While most of the things we have studied and learned about throughout this semester have been things we can relate to and apply to our lives and surroundings, this is really about where we are right now.  It was cool to see that there are people within our community willing to step up when it comes to conservation of the everglades and surrounding wetlands.  Also I have grown up in Naples my whole life and never heard of this happening, but do remember the whole Elian story so it was interesting to hear about some of our cities history and know that I have been here for some of the important decisions for its future.  I have always found it unfortunate and sometimes disgusting at the fact that race and politics have such an impact on the decisions we make, not only in our environmental issues but even everyday decisions as well.   I find it true when they say that the key to getting the law passed was unity in Florida.  I find this to be true in everything you do because if you do not have everyone on board with a decision, things will eventually begin to crumble.  Everyone needs to be able to compromise and try to find the best way to do things together.  This is one thing I have learned from this class that is not strictly environmental, for anything to be successful you must have compromise.

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