Friday, July 8, 2011

Shywolf Sanctuary

I did my service learning at Shywolf Sanctuary.  I had a great time working there and plan on going back whenever I can.  I learned a lot by being there.  Not only did I learn safety and cleanliness about them but I learned a lot about how wolves interact.  I was surprised at how similar their personalities are to ours, except for one small difference, they do not care what we as humans think of them.  Some can be shy at first, but once they warm up to you they are very friendly and playful.  Others are playful from the very beginning, and some just do not like certain people.  I was amazing the amount of wolves they had there.  The sanctuary is in someone’s back yard, and it is not just wolves, they have, panthers, bobcats, rabbits, foxes, and prairie dogs as well.  Most of these animals have been abused, and others were just “cool pets” that eventually got old.  Something I learned that really stuck with me is that they are not like dogs.  While some are part dog and part wolf, it is easy to tell the difference between which side is more dominant personality wise, not just be looks.  Some of the wolves look intimidating but are the sweetest things once you start playing with them.  It was so important to build relationships with the animals because they really can sense how you feel.  It is amazing to me that someone would take in all of these animals in their backyard.  I know I could never be able to manage that, and I respect them greatly.

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