Friday, July 8, 2011

Downtown Ft. Myers

I had no idea there was so much history in downtown Ft. Myers.  You see it in the way the buildings were built and structured. I learned long ago that Thomas Edison and Henry Ford had lives here long ago but I never knew that Ft. Myers had been established way before that.  The videos were very informational and it is cool to see how the area you live in came about.  I think doing the scavenger hunt is a great idea for getting to know that area.  I liked how the questions were informational but also had some fun ones as well.  I probably learned the most from this field trip just because I had a lot of fun doing it.  When I first went over the scavenger hunt I remember thinking Yoda?  As we walked up and down the streets it was funny to see how many people knew we were doing a scavenger hunt for an FGCU class without saying anything to them.  I really liked the painting at the Olympic building.  I had heard about it on the news when it had first opened up so it was nice to be able to see it.  Toward the end I  was getting frustrated because I only had one left and I could not find it anywhere, but as I went to get something to drink from a store it was right there, and I just laughed.  I think it was really cool that they used shells as concrete for the sidewalk.  

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