Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Land Ethic

The main idea I got from reading this excerpt is similar to one we saw in the beginning of the semester.  This idea is that society and nature work together in life, not separately.  We may be different but we live together and share the earth.  We need to think of ourselves as a community; working together and respecting one another.  I really like the idea this excerpt presented about using ethics.  I have never thought to look at ethic from an ecologic perspective when you do it does make sense because we do have a relationship between ourselves and the plants, land, and oceans.  We are a team and we as humans are just one part of it and in order for a team to succeed it needs to work together.   The points made about how even though we are conserving areas through the government are something I find a little too eccentric.  Yes I believe we need to live in harmony with nature and protect our planet but we do need to have room to live.  By letting the government have control over the refuges and other properties it helps to create a safe haven for the wildlife and also gives us our space.  I believe that we need to have love, respect, and admiration for our land just as this excerpt stays to make sure that everyone is in working together to make this planet successful.  I found this excerpt to be the most interesting one so far.

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