Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goodall's Excerpt

I feel that Goodall's excerpt is trying to get people motivated in helping to save the environment.  If we all just take a little time and effort to work together we can help to make the earth a little bit better.  That does kind of sound clique but it really is the truth.  If we pollute the earth we should at least take the responsibility for it and help to manage how much damage we are doing.  I really like how she is not afraid to dream big and let people know about it.  I found the Hudson River story interesting because not only do you see how one fish made a huge impact, but then how that impact has been maintained and now the introduction of reefs and shorelines can be implemented. I love seeing how one small thing can inspire another small thing and then how that turns into something extreme and beneficial.  Even if something is gone there are still people out there fight to help save what is left and want to make sure that it does not happen again.  Being outside is healthy for us; there is nothing like a breath of fresh air after being in an office all day or a great run outside after a stressful day.  Making subtle changes in our daily routines such as recycling or car pooling or even riding a bike can make a big impact on helping to reduce pollution and keep our outdoors a little more greener.

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