Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shiva's Excerpt

Reading Shiva's excerpt helped open my eyes to how connected everything and everyone is on the earth.  From the littlest form of bacteria to a lion in the jungle, everything is working in harmony so that the world and everything on it can function properly.  It is interesting to see how much bacteria and protozoa's impact our lives as much as they do.  When most people think of them they often associate them with diseases and sickness, not realizing that certain kinds and in certain amounts are actually beneficial to us and the ecosystems.  I personally have only heard of bacteria and protozoa being beneficial in my anatomy classes from a medical point of view, so it is nice to see how the same conclusion is drawn from an environmental point of view. Vandana Shiva makes a great point in her excerpt on how humans do not appreciate or are not educated in the complexity of the web of life we all live in, they simply think of themselves as being of higher standing; I find this to be very true. 
Biodiversity is what our planet is built around.  The more pollution and chemicals we dump into the earth the more we are going to lose animals, trees, and cause harm to ourselves.  The ecosystems are suppose to work together in unison but if we constantly keep polluting the earth the outcome of failures to do this are inevitable.  Yes accidents happen just as we saw a year ago with the oil spill, and while that hurt the aquatic ecosystems it was felt worldwide in almost every ecosystem worldwide.  This helps to support the idea that the ecosystems work together as a team and if one is polluted or “injured” the whole team feels the pain.

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